Before you start to look for a job or think about going to school, it is a good idea to set your goals. When we have goals, we are better able to be successful.
Use the picture above to think about your goals. SMART goals are
- Specific - (I want to get a nursing certificate. I want to be a car mechanic)
- Measurable - (When I have my license to practice nursing I can find a good job.)
- Action - ( I will apply to school. I will practice with a master mechanic.)
- Realistic - (I can do this after I develop enough English language skills. A goal isn't realistic if you can never attain it. For instance, winning the lottery is not a realistic goal.)
- Timeline - ( It will take me 3 years to get my nursing license.)
By using the SMART goal system, you will be better able to meet your goal. Remember! Goals are something you work towards. Some goals can be reached quickly, but other goals will take work and time. HOWEVER, if you want to get there, you will!